Knock knock cast
Knock knock cast

knock knock cast
  1. #Knock knock cast movie#
  2. #Knock knock cast plus#
knock knock cast

That doesn't mean that the novel is horrible after that. Innocence is dead and the excitement of the book dies with it. Who cares that the world is coming to an end? Wen just got shot to death. What was a fun mystery thriller is now a depressing horror show with a dead kid.Īfter Wen's death, everything seems to stop mattering. It's one that immediately takes the wind out of the sails of the reader. It's an even bolder move when it's not a third-act twist, but one that occurs in act two. To kill off a small girl who was such a great and pivotal character is a bold move. She is smart and funny and seemingly almost as capable as her dads. Wen was no stereotypical child character written for sympathy's sake.

knock knock cast

Just like that, the most beloved protagonist is gone, and not just any protagonist, but an innocent child. In the struggle, it accidentally goes off, and a bullet hits Wen, killing her instantly. In the novel, Andrew and Leonard fight over a gun. It's a powerful decision that plays on the theme of how much we'll give to see the ones we love safe and happy. In the film, as the world starts to crumble to an end, Eric ( Jonathan Groff) sacrifices himself, thus saving the world, and allowing his husband Andrew ( Ben Aldridge) and their young, elementary school-aged daughter Wen ( Kristen Cui) to live on with hope. An even bigger change involves that sacrifice that comes at the end of the story. It's a significant change, but one that doesn't really alter the final goal. In the book, however, he is killed by a member of his own group.

knock knock cast

In the film, Leonard kills himself after he is unable to convince the family to go through with the sacrifice.

#Knock knock cast movie#

It's the last third of the movie where the big changes occur, ones that drastically alter the film from its source material. Changing that to cast a high-caliber actor like Bautista, who was perfect in the role, is understandable. Leonard's age is only mentioned once in the novel and has no importance to the part. Bautista is three decades older than that. For one, Dave Bautista's character, Leonard, the leader of a group who is trying to convince a family that one of them needs to sacrifice their lives to save the world, is just 24 years old in the novel. Sure, there are little changes throughout. The characters are all there, the setting is the same, the motivation remains unchanged, scenes play out as they did on the page, and in many cases, even the dialogue remains unchanged. If this is the indication of Roth's career, no Taratino connection is going to keep him from a career of direct-to-DVD releases.The majority of the film plays out just like the novel. There are times that I thought I was watching a bad SNL skit. I never thought or felt they were truly dangerous. I think Roth told him just to go bat shirt crazy.And the ladies, tho attractive as can be, are more annoying than menacing. Game show parody, paper mached corpse, torture by volume.and a scene where Reeves loses it that has to be seen to be believed. And the movie goes completely off the rails. The ladies, Lorenza Izzo and Ana de Armas, work on destroying Reeves from that point. You know the "from hell" genre.the husband from hell, the roommate from hell, the TEMP from hell, etc.etc. This is where the movie becomes the "from hell" sub genre thriller. But little Keanu gets the best of him, and he beds both of them. Reeves tries to be gentlemanly, moving to a single chair, everytime the ladies get too close. Spending Father's Day alone working, while wife and kids are away, a couple of young, nubile, and wet (of course it's a dark and stormy night) ladies come knocking at his door. Knock Knock starts well, setting up the family dynamic, although Reeves just can't pull off warm and cuddly Daddy. Unless he was intrigued by the standard universal theme of temptation and it's results.

#Knock knock cast plus#

Why Roth decided to reboot an old 30 plus year old C-movie that starred Colleen Camp, Sandra Locke (both producers here) and Seymour Cassell is anyone's guess. And he does the same here, with a cheap callback joke as the final line. My one complaint about Cabin is the cheap joke at the end, calling back an earlier scene (the "my **** line). And he does the same here, with a cheap I was a fan of Eli Roth's Cabin Fever all those years ago, before Hostel and everything else, but haven't been impressed by his work since. I was a fan of Eli Roth's Cabin Fever all those years ago, before Hostel and everything else, but haven't been impressed by his work since.

Knock knock cast